Terra Santa Tripoli

Bed and Breakfast, Sports Activity

St.Clare of Assisi Feast 11 Aug 2020

"We become what we love and
who we love shapes what we become." (attributed toSt Clare of Assisi) 

Yesterday a solemn mass took place in our church fir St Anthony of Padua feast presided by the Provincial of the carmelites F. Raimondo Abdo and many other priests.

Monday 5th of October, Celebration of St. Francis Feast.

A solemn Mass was presided by the Latin Bishop Cesar Assayan con-celebrated by the Franciscan Friars from Harissa and Beyrouth.
Noursat transmitted the Ceremony directly on the TV and took interviews with F. Quirico Calella OFM Superior of St. Francis Convent in Mina- Tripoli, F. Najib Ibrahim OFM Superior of
St. Anthony Harissa Convent and the Bishop H.E Cesar Assayan.
They spoke about St.Francis visit to the cedars Land in February 1220 (where he stayed until autumn of the same year) after his reunion with Sultan Malek el-Kamel in 1219 in Damietta- Egypt.
After the Mass a few guests were invited to a dinner. The meal ended cutting a cake with the logo of the Custody of the Holy Land and the miniature of Saint Francis arrival to the Middle East.

Christian Unity Week 18-25 / 01/2021
Peace and love from Saint Francis Convent, Tripoli - El Mina - Lebanon
With a sore heart yesterday in the Church of Saint Francis, we prayed not in the presence of the believers, but rather alone because of the continuous lockdown due to the increase for the Corona pandemic.
The Council Vatican two gave an important role to women in the Church, and Pope Francis himself repeated and emphasized the importance of this role under the title “Granting the service of the reader and assistant in the altar service to secular women” several days ago in proposing the Motu Proprio Spiritus Domini “Spirit of the Lord”. Today we also wanted to involve three women of different religious rituals and beliefs in the liturgy and lyric chant.
Through television and social media, we want our prayer - one united with the prayers of brothers from other rites - to reach the end of the world. Jesus was identified in the Communion and Progress Document as a Perfect Communicator. We ask him, who prayed at the Last Supper for the unity of his disciples and promised to be among us whenever two or more gather in his name, to help us and protect us in this difficult time for humanity and Lebanon in particular.

SETTIMANA DI PREGHIERA PER L’UNITA’ DEI CRISTIANI(18-25/01/2021)-Tripoli Marina 20-01-2021
Pace e Bene dal convento di S.Francesco della Custodia di Terra Santa in Tripoli Marina – Libano
Con il cuore pieno di dolore siamo qui nella Chiesa di S.Francesco a pregare per l’unione dei cristiani non in presenza di fedeli ma da soli a causa del lockdown in corso per l’aumento dell’epidemia da Covid19.
A partire dal Concilio Vaticano II nella Chiesa si da’ un ruolo importante alle donne. Detto ruolo e’ stato ribadito dal Papa Francesco qualche giorno fa con il Motu Proprio “Spiritus Domini”.
Anche per questo evento abbiamo voluto coinvolgere tre donne di diversi riti e confessioni religiose, sia nella liturgia che nel canto lirico.
Attraverso la televisione e i socials vogliamo che la nostra preghiera unita a quella dei Fratelli delle altre confessioni religiose arrivi fino agli estremi confini della terra. Gesu’, definito Perfetto Comunicatore nella Communio et Progressio, ha pregato nell’ultima cena per l’unita’ dei suoi discepoli ed ha promesso di essere in mezzo a loro quando due o piu’ persone si riuniscono nel suo nome. Il Signore ci aiuti e ci protegga in questo particolare momento di difficolta’ per l’umanita’ e in particolare per il Libano.

أسبوع الصلاة لوحدة المسيحيين 18-25/01/2021

السلام والمحبة من دير القديس فرنسيس طرابلس- الميناء – لبنان
بقلب متألِّم من مساء ليلة أمس في كنيسة القديس فرنسيس نصلّي ليس بحضور المؤمنين إنّما بمفردنا بسبب الحجر المستمر نظراً لزيادة جائحة كورونا.
أعطى المجمع الفاتيكاني الثاني دوراً هاماً للمرأة في الكنيسة، وقد أكّد البابا فرنسيس نفسه تكراراً على أهميّة هذا الدور تحت عنوان "منح خدمة القارئ والمعاون في خدمة المذبح للنساء العلمانيّات" منذ عدّة أيام في اقتراح "روح الرب". انطلاقاً من ذلك، أردنا هذا المساء أيضاً إشراك ثلاث نساء من طقوس ومعتقدات دينيّة مختلفة في كلّ من خدمة الليتورجيا والترنيم.
من خلال التلفاز ووسائل التوصل الاجتماعيّ، نريد أن تصل صلاتُنا - واحدة موحَّدة مع صلاة الإخوة من الطوائف الأخرى - إلى أقاصي الأرض. تم تعريف يسوع في وثيقة المشاركة والتقدم بالمحاور الكامل. نطلب من يسوع، الذي صلّى في العشاء الأخير من أجل وحدة تلاميذه ووعد أن يكون بيننا كلّما اجتمع اثنان أو أكثر باسمه، أن يساعدنا ويحمينا في هذا الوقت العصيب للإنسانيّة وللبنان خاصة.

CONVENTO S.FRANCESCO – MINA 20.01.2021 ore 13.00

برنامج احتفال أسبوع الوحدة المسيحية – دير القديس فرنسيس في الميناء طرابلس
1-Introduzione: Lea Maamari(telelumiere)
1- التقديم : ليا معماري (تيلي لوميار)
2-Canto Signore fa’ di me uno strumento della tua pace
2- ترتيلة يا رب استعملني لسلامك
3-Parola di Benvenuto e lettura del Vangelo Gv.15.1-7(P.Quirico)
3- كلمة ترحيب و قراءة من الانجيل المقدس يوحنا. 15 .1 - 7
4-Canti 2+3+4
4- تراتيل 2+3+4
5-LeaMaamari: parole sull’unita’ dei cristiani
5- كلمة لليا معماري بمناسبة اسبوع الوحدة
6-Canti 5+6+7
6- تراتيل 5+6+7
7-Preghiera dei fedeli+ Padre nostro e benedizione finale
7- صلاة المؤمنين + أبانا الذي في السموات والبركة النهائية.
8-Canto Dolce Sentire oppure laudato sie mi signore.
8- في الختام ترتيلة Dolce Sentire
R.1-Tempo dell’Evento religioso: 60 minuti (senza popolo)
2- Soprano: Muna Hallab
3-Organista: Joe Daw

Lista dei canti 2001-2021: serata per l’Unita’ dei cristiani

1-Signore fa’ di me uno strumento della tua pace
2-Pieta’ Signore
3-Ave Maria
4-Canto Arabo (bidaya’a zghireh)
5-Canto Arabo (Ya Mariamou al bikraou fouqti)
6-I believe (Inglese e Arabo)
7-Panis Angelicus (Canto Latino)
8-Dolce Sentire


Sunday 03 October 2021, Saint Francis Eve.
At our Convent we began the celebration of the Feast with a Solemn Mass presided by the Apostolic Nuncio H.E. Joseph Spiteri and concelebrated by many other priests that came from all Lebanon.
The Italian Ambassador H.E. Nicoletta Bombardiere was present with a Diplomatic Delegation.
After the Mass a cultural Event about the famous Italian Poet Dante Alighieri and Saint Francis took place. After the speech of the Italian Ambassador was read the XI chapter of the Divina Comedy (Paradise) by Doct.Benedetta Piola Caselli in Italian and in Arabic by Doct.Terese Francis (who made also the translation).

La Festa di S.Francesco a Tripoli Mina e' iniziata la vigilia 3 ottobre con una solenne Messa presieduta dal Nunzio Apostolico S.E.Monsignor Joseph Spiteri. Hanno preso parte alla concelebrazione diversi sacerdoti francescani del Libano assieme ad altri religiosi maroniti e melchiti.
Dopo l'omelia del Nunzio 12 giovani di Mingez hanno rinnovato la promessa annuale di fedelta' a S.Francesco.
Alla fine della cerimonia religiosa per ricordare i 700 anni della morte di Dante Alighieri ha avuto luogo un evento culturale sul tema "Dante e S.Francesco". Dopo le parole dell'Ambasciatrice che ha messo in rapporto il Poeta e S.Francesco, il rappresentante del Mufti di Tripoli Sheikh Mahmud No'man ha sottolineato il processo di dialogo di questi ultimi tempi promosso da Papa Francesco e lo Sheikh El Azhar Ahmad Ettayyeb.
La serata si e' conclusa con la lettura del capitolo XI del Paradiso da parte della Dott.ssa Benedetta Piola Caselli in italiano e in arabo dalla Dott.ssa Teresa Francis che ha tradotto il testo.

Also this year for the occasion of Saint Anthony of Padova we made a Solemn Celebration respecting the distance and the other rules for the pandemic. Not many people came from out of Mina Tripoli but we prayed for all the absents. Next year we hope it will be normal. Saint Anthony bell all of you.

Anche quest'anno abbiamo celebrato la Festa di S.Antonio rispettando le regole della pandemia ancora in corso: distanza e mascherine. Sia per la S.Comunione che per la distribuzione del pane la gente e' rimasta al loro posto.
Abbiamo pregato per tutti gli assenti che di solito venivano da fuori Tripoli.
S.Antonio allontani dalla nostra societa' il Covid19 e tutti gli altri mali.

Saint Francis Feast in Saint Francis Convent Tripoli - Mina

At Saint Francis Convent was celebrated a Christmas Mass with a little Procession. At the end of the religious service Father Quirico put the statue of the infant Jesus in the Crib.
After all the community was invited to cut and eat a Christmas cake and drink Champaign for this occasion.

Quest'anno per il Santo Natale le funzioni religiose sono cominciate la vigilia alle ore 18.00 a causa delle restrizioni Covid-19.
Oltre un piccolo numero di fedeli muniti di mascherine rispettando la distanza sociale erano presenti le Suore francescane del CIM venute da Adonis per animare i canti natalizi.
Alla fine della Messa e' stata fatta una piccola processione dall'altare fino al Presepio allestito in fondo alla Chiesa, dove il P. Quirico ha deposto il Bambino di Betlemme incensandolo piu' volte.
Dopo la funzione religiosa tutti sono stati invitati al salone dove e' stato tagliato e consumato un panettone bagnato da un bicchiere di spumante.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

St. Anthony of Padova Feast

On 13 of June 2023, on the occasion of the Feast of St Antonio of Padova at Saint Francis Church was celebrated a Solemn Mass presided by the Melkite Bishop his E. Edward Daher.
Happy St. Antonio of Padova Feast
Per la Festa di S.Antonio di Padova quest'anno per la prima volta ha presieduto la concelebrazione in rito Melchita S.E.Mons.Edward Daher Vescovo greco Cattolico di Tripoli e Nord Libano.
Alla fine della cerimonia religiosa e' stata impartita la Benedizione con la Reliquia del Santo ed e' stato distribuito il pane di S.Antonio a circa 300 persone

Today in the afternoon with the first Vespers we begin to celebrate the Feast of Saint Joseph. As we know this year is a special year dedicated to Saint Joseph so tomorrow at 16.30 we will make the Way of the Cross followed by the Mass of Saint Joseph Protector of the Church and the family.
By the way is also the father's day so happy feast to all the fathers...

Oggi con i primi Vespri entriamo nella Festivita' di S.Giuseppe. Quest'anno come sappiamo e' stato dedicato dal Papa Francesco a S.Giuseppe protettore della Chiesa e della famiglia.
Domani pomeriggio ore 16.30 nella nostra Chiesa ci sara' la Via Crucis e la Santa Messa di S.Giuseppe.

St. Clare renounced all her worldly goods, in spite of the opposition of her family; she received the penitential habit from the hands of Francis of Assisi, and founded the Second Franciscan Order ("Poor Clares"). She died in 1253.

The Filipinian community in Lebanon celebratedthe mass in Saint Francis Church in Mina.
They came from Tripoli, Sarba and Akkar
After Mass they went to the garden and ate together the lunch.

Saint Francis Feast in Saint Francis Convent Tripoli - Mina

On the night of 8 September, a man heard the angels singing in heaven, and on asking the reason, they told him they were rejoicing because the Virgin was born on that night